You're braver than you believe, and stronger than you seem, and smarter than you think" - Winnie the Pooh
"Sometimes the right path is not the easiest one." - Grandmother Willow (Pocahontas)
VC Durban Westville
Bachelor of Accounting
My fondest memories were the memories I created with my friends whom I met at VC Westville. Without them, my already challenging degree would've probably been unbearable. They took every situation and made it fun and exciting. Along with my friends, I will always look back at memories created with my lecturers who were always supportive, encouraging, and ever ready to lighten the mood of lectures - Especially Mrs Reyna Patel who never ceased to make us smile- Even when she herself was angry :)
I would like to think my friends inspired me during my time at Varsity College- to be the best version of myself.