"You can fail at what you don't want, so you might as well take a chance on doing what you love" - Jim Carrey
VG Bordeaux
Bachelor of Arts in Interior Design
I can't recall a specific favourite memory, only that I really enjoyed my lectures.
I was always interested in the topic and really enjoyed conversing with lecturers. At Vega, I got to see a very different side to myself. I am an introverted person but I could confidently be a part of class discussions. It was a new-found confidence that I was able to find in myself by pursuing what greatly interests me, which is design. I, like many students, was going through hardship during my time at Vega. Although my studies seemed to make my life harder, I now see how it actually pulled me through that tough time. I persevered. I am grateful to the lecturers & my parents who encouraged me and helped me achieve this degree.